Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm My Own Boss

In the article You Are NOT The Boss Of Me!, the three teens had confidence in themselves and believed that they could make their dreams come true if they work hard at it.

If you have a dream and do what you love to do, then you could actually make a business or make money off that. You never know, what you're good could be your life in the future. But if you need help trying to start a business even a small one, you can turn to National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE). It can help you in every way just to give you a boost on your future business.

As for me, if i was really talented at something, then i wouldn't mind doing the exact samething as the three teens did, start my own business. I mean, as long as my business and what i love to do that makes me happy, gets me somewhere in life. Help me become more independent.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How Do You Start A Business?

1.) How Do You Start A Business?
The main point is knowing what and how to start a Business. First of all, you have to figure out what you want to do, before you decide where you want to start your business. There are 3 types of ways you can run your business, there's Home-based(start business at home), Brick-and-Mortar(run your business in a building), and E-commerce(online). Then there are 3 other types of ways you can choose how you can structure you're Business. There's: Corporation, Partnership, and Limited Liability Company(LLC). When you first start you're business, you have to think about the Financing, it's a very crucial stage in building your very first Business. Some people will get loans, use money from their own pockets, or they can also turn to friends and family for help. After you figure that all out, the last thing you have to do is promoting and selling your products. You must have people you trust and dedication to make your business successful. Also, people who will put in the hours, days, months and years to help you promote your business.

2.) How does this relate to me? My Future Plans? My Community? Other's? Etc.
Well, it's going to relate to me later in life when i want to start my own business. My plans for the future is starting a Computer Business, and selling the products that we make. With the computers that we make, I'm willing to give them to the school I graduated and grew up at. Which will be at Monument Valley High School, provide them with all the help they need to educate all the students.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I chose this class because my major for college is Computer Science or Computer Technician. So this class could help prepare me for College. It'll also help me get an idea of what i'll be doing and how to operate a computer in other ways.